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Valid for Sitecore 5.3
Release Notes (Sitecore CMS 5.3)

July 29, 2008

Share Point Connector module v2.1.1 rev. 080624 is released.


May 18, 2006

SharePoint Connector module v2.1.1 is released.


November 3, 2006

SharePoint Connector module v2.1.0 is released.


1.  Known Issues

This section contains known issues for the current release of the module.

  1. In the “EditLists” window, a “Folder” can be selected as a template. This results in an error, since the ’Folder’ template does not have any fields.
  2. The correct event is not triggered when a User hits “Enter” in the dialogs.
  3. The module doesn’t save connection settings automatically. If you make some changes in settings and click Edit, New, Delete or Delete All Mappings buttons, you will lose the changes.
  4. Only one list connection can be created in Sitecore for one list in SharePoint.
  5. Generated media items always have an empty Alt field value, regardless of Media.AutoSetAlt setting in web.config
  6. It is not possible to add data into 'Attachment' field of media item using the field menu.
  7. It is not possible to edit images stored in Sharepoint using Sitecore's internal image editor.
  8. While it is not prohibited to create media items from masters under a media connection, the items will not be stored in Sharepoint. The module is not designed to support such activity.
  9. Changes in files and items in Sharepoint are visible in Sitecore after the refresh of a parent node.
  10. In Sharepoint administration application, the 'New' button on the toolbar does not refresh item tree properly.
  11. Upload functionality in master database works when the proxy item is pointed to the ‘media connections’ item but not to its children.
  12. If you create a new template (or modify an old one) in the master database, you will need to restart IIS or clear Sitecore cache (http://yousite/sitecore/admin/cache.html) to reflect the changes in Sharepoint database.
  13. It is impossible to delete large media files in the master database. If you have encountered such problem, you should delete such files in the Sharepoint database.
  14. Sometimes when users upload files into an empty folder in the master database they don't appear in Sitecore.
    The workaround is to perform IISreset or clear Sitecore cache.
  15. It is not possible to lock or edit any fields except mapped fields for the proxied items from the SharePoint database.
  16. When Sarepoint is configured for the first time it is possible that uploading files to Sharepoint will not work. Please restart IIS is you encounter such problem.
  17. Sharepoint Server 2007 issue: Upload to document libraries does not work.

  18. It is impossible to export documents from the server version of MOSS 2007. Export works fine with the Sharepoint Services though.